Thank you for joining me at the Cashflow Recharge Summit



$497 ($650) for Cashflow Recharge Summit Attendees

What do you get?

Strategic Investment Property Report

We created it to help investors:

  • See a longer term projection for their existing investment, and it’s potential
  • For an existing investment, decide whether or not it’s better to sell it, or keep it, and most importantly, why
  • Decide whether or not to buy a new investment opportunity based on a longer term view

This custom report includes your current financing, projected ROI etc for your properties, All to reflect how you can utilize your investments to meet your financial goals.  Additionally it includes forecasts of net worth and cash flow so you can get a projection / view of the longer term potential.

Free Consultation

If you aren’t sure if the report is right for you, please contact me for a free 15 minute consultation and I help will answer any questions you may have.

Due to the customization and complexity of each report, the fee is $497 (reg $650) for a limited time.

These reports are based on YOUR current investments and financial goals. Many investors are evaluating their assets and weighing the risk/benefit of holding on to properties through this volatile market. This report will provide a 5 year outlook which may strongly influence your decision. It is critical to look long-term and this is a tool to make a data-informed decision.